Spirometry cpt codes

94010 Spirometry Complete


Spirometry, including graphic record, total and timed vital capacity, expiratory flow rate measurement(s), with or without maximal voluntary ventilation (MVV). Cannot be billed at the same visit as 94060, 94070, or 94728

Applicable Vitalograph Device

Vitalograph Devices Applicable: Pneumotrac with Spirotrac V; Pneumotrac with ComPAS; Compact Expert; Alpha Touch; In2itive; Alpha; Micro

National Average $36.09

94060 Bronchodilation Responsiveness


Bronchodilation Responsiveness Spirometry as in 94010, pre and post bronchodilator (aerosol) for the purpose of bronchospasm evaluation. This procedure is the same as 94010 with the addition of aerosol treatment delivering a bronchodilator and subsequent repeat of spirometry to measure efficacy of treatment. Post spirometry should be performed at least 5-10 minutes after bronchodilator treatment is completed to give bronchodilator time to reach maximum effectiveness. Cannot be billed at the same visit as 94010, 94070, or 94728

Applicable Vitalograph Device

Pneumotrac with Spirotrac V; Pneumotrac with ComPAS; Compact Expert; Alpha Touch; In2itive; Alpha; Micro

National Average $60.27

94070 Bronchospasm Provocation Evaluation


Bronchospasm Provocation Evaluation, multiple spirometric determinations as in 94010, with administered agents (e.g. antigen(s), cold air, methacholine) Cannot be billed at the same visit as 94010, 94060, or 94728.

Applicable Vitalograph Device

Vitalograph Devices Applicable: Pneumotrac with Spirotrac V; Pneumotrac with ComPAS; Compact Expert; Alpha Touch; In2itive; Alpha; Micro

National Average $61.54

94200 Vital Capacity


Vital Capacity (Slow Vital Capacity or Peak Flow Test) spirometric determinations as in 94010. Considered bundled into 94010, 94060 or 94070. Cannot be billed at the same visit as 94010 or 94060 or 94070.

Applicable Vitalograph Device

Pneumotrac with Spirotrac V; Pneumotrac with ComPAS; Compact Expert; Alpha Touch; In2itive; Alpha; Micro

National Average $3.97

94014 Spirometry, Home, Patient Recorded, with Interpretation


Spirometry, Home, Patient Recorded with interpretation per 30 days of home measurements. Includes physician interpretation of results. Can be performed with transmission of data to caregiver. Does not require graphic record or full flow/volume detail. PEF & FEV1 are satisfactory for reimbursement. Billed every 30 days.

Applicable Vitalograph Device

BT micro and Model 4000 (USB and BT, including asma-1, copd-6, lung monitor)

National Average $57.02

94015 Spirometry, Home, Patient Recorded


Spirometry, Home, Patient Recorded per 30 days of home measurements. Does not include physician interpretation of results. Can be performed with transmission of data to caregiver. Does not require graphic record or full flow/volume detail. PEF and FEV1 values are satisfactory for reimbursement.

Applicable Vitalograph Device

BT micro and Model 4000 (USB and BT, including asma-1, copd-6, lung monitor)

National Average $31.04

94016 Spirometry, Home, Patient Recorded, Physician Interpretation Only


Spirometry, Home, Patient Recorded, Physician Interpretation Only per 30 days of home measurements for only the physician interpretation of results. Can be performed with transmission of data to caregiver. Does not require graphic record or full flow/volume detail. PEF and FEV1 values are satisfactory for reimbursement.

Applicable Vitalograph Device

BT micro and Model 4000 (USB and BT, including asma-1, copd-6, lung monitor)

National Average $25.98

94618 Pulmonary stress testing


Pulmonary stress testing; simple (e.g., 6-minute walk test prolonged exercise test for bronchospasm with pre- and post-spirometry). It is appropriate to use the six-minute walk test code to evaluate distance, dyspnea, oxyhemoglobin desaturation, and heart rate. Heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, and liter flow of supplemental oxygen are to be reported at rest, during exercise, and during recovery. Physician analysis of data and interpretation of the test are procedurally inclusive components of this code.

Applicable Vitalograph Device

Pneumotrac with Spirotrac V; Pneumotrac with ComPAS; Compact Expert

National Average $34.29

93000 Electrocardiogram


Electrocardiogram, routine ECG with at least 12 leads, with interpretation and report.

Applicable Vitalograph Device

Pneumotrac with Spirotrac V; Pneumotrac with ComPAS; Compact Expert – all with ECG Device addition.

National Average $17.32

99453 Remote monitoring of physiologic parameter(s)


Remote monitoring of physiologic parameter(s), initial set up and patient education on the use of equipment. Must be ordered by a physician or a Qualified Health Care Professional. Billed once, requires a minimum of 16 days monitoring.

Applicable Vitalograph Device

BT micro and Model 4000 (USB and BT, including asma-1, copd-6, lung monitor)

National Average $18.77

99454 Device(s) supply with daily recording(s)



Monthly remote monitoring of the patient. This includes the supply and use of the medical devices used to remotely monitor and collect patient generated health data. This specifically means data transmission and does not include time spent education and setting up the use of the device.

Applicable Vitalograph Device

BT micro and Model 4000 (USB and BT, including asma-1, copd-6, lung monitor)

National Average $62.44

99457 Remote physiologic monitoring treatment management services



Remote physiologic monitoring treatment management services, clinical staff/ physician / or t=other qualified health care professional time in a calendar month requiring interactive communication with the patient / caregiver during the month; first 20 minutes. Performed by physician, other qualified health care professional, or clinical staff under general supervision. Cannot be billed with 99091.

*99458  is for the first 20 minutes and additional 20 min spent by ANY clinical staff including physicians.

Applicable Vitalograph Device

BT micro and Model 4000 (USB and BT, including asma-1, copd-6, lung monitor)

National Average $51.61

99458 Remote physiologic monitoring treatment management services


Remote physiologic monitoring treatment management services, clinical staff/ physician / other qualified health care professional time in a calendar month requiring interactive communication with the patient / caregiver during the month; additional 20 minutes. Performed by physician, other qualified health care provider or clinical staff under general supervision. Cannot be billed with 99091.

*99458 is for the first 20 minutes and additional 20 min spent by ANY clinical staff including physicians.

Applicable Vitalograph Device

BT micro and Model 4000 (USB and BT, including asma-1, copd-6, lung monitor)

National Average $32.84

99091 Collection and interpretation of physiologic data


Collection and interpretation of physiologic data digitally stored and /or transmitted by the patient and or caregiver to the physician or other qualified healthcare professional, qualified by education, training, licensure / regulation (when applicable) requiring a minimum of 30 minutes of time. Performed by physician or other qualified health care professional, NOT clinical staff. Billed every 30 days. Cannot be billed with 99457 or 99458

Applicable Vitalograph Device

BT micro and Model 4000 (USB and BT, including asma-1, copd-6, lung monitor)

*99091 is for the physician or other advance level practitioner time.

National Average $59.19

95012 Determination expired NO


A patient’s NO level is measured using specialized equipment and under the direct supervision of a clinician.

National Average $19.38

94728 Pulmonary function testing by oscillometry


Pulmonary function testing by oscillometry. Can not be billed with 94010, 94060, and 94070.

National Average $42.10