Prevent falls & earn $30 per patient with this simple therapy

Falls can change or end a senior’s life.

Try giving your seniors this simple home therapy. Print out these instructions and go over them with your dizzy patients. If you have a ENG or VNG and can determine if the problem is vertical or horizontal just give them the portion of the instructions that relate to their problem.

You can use cpt code 97110-GP to earn around $30 to compensate for the time spent teaching this technique to your patients.
Your patients would then take these instructions home and perform the task as suggested during the commercial breaks of their favorite tv program. Who likes commercials anyways?
We have had great success with this program and our Vat+ system follow ups have documented the positive results.
Just click the button below to down load the patient instruction sheet, then print off copies for your patients.
If you have any problem down loading these instructions just send me an email and I will send them to you.
Good luck.

It only takes 15 minutes with our automated Vat system to diagnose a vestibular problem

See the system here:

Once diagnosed proscribe these exercises for an additional $30