Alpha Spirometer Reg $2,499.00 I have one unit left in stock going for $1,995 Designed for testing in a clinic or on the go, the Alpha is our all-in-one desktop spirometry solution. The Alpha encompasses compliance with the ATS/ERS 2019 Technical Standards, multiple testing options, quick loading integrated thermal printer and direct links to Vitalograph Device [&hellip
Lions Clubs: Illuminating Communities Through Vision Screening for ChildrenLions Clubs: Illuminating Communities Through Vision Screening for Children Start your own screening program by clicking HERE In communities around the world, Lions Clubs have long been beacons of service, dedicated to enhancing the lives of those in need. One particularly impactful initiative undertaken by Lions Clubs [&hellip
Invisible Struggles: A Little Girl’s Journey Through Undetected Vision Issues In the tapestry of childhood, health plays a pivotal role in shaping a child’s experiences and opportunities. Unfortunately, there are instances where health issues go unnoticed, impacting a child’s development. This is the poignant tale of a little girl whose pediatrician missed detecting her vision [&hellip
The Failures Of The Pediatricians Eye Chart Get your vision screener here The pediatrician’s eye chart, a staple in the assessment of children’s vision, has long been a tool used to detect visual impairments in the early stages of life. However, as with any screening method, it is not without its limitations and failures. This [&hellip
Advantages Of The Plusoptix Vision Screener In Pediatric Vision Screening Pediatric vision screening is a crucial component of early childhood healthcare, aiming to identify and address vision issues in children at the earliest stages. The Plusoptix Auto Refractor Vision Screener has emerged as a valuable tool in this endeavor, offering numerous advantages that contribute to [&hellip
The Critical Imperative Of Early Detection Safeguarding Pediatricians Against Legal-woes Introduction: In the realm of pediatric care, early detection of vision and hearing issues is not merely a healthcare best practice—it is a critical step toward ensuring the well-being of the child. Failing to perform early detection vision and hearing screening not only compromises the [&hellip
Lions Club Helps School Nurses Lion Mike Wilson, District 2-S5 KidSight Chairmen, at the campus helping to identify 3- and 4-year-olds who may have a visual impairment as part of the Lions KidSight program Read article Here Start your own Kid Sight Program here:  
Here is a great idea, you will want to put right into practice. Fill your practice with new patients. They brought the entire staff in on a Saturday and had a parking lot party. They advertised in the community news papers and had banners printed, advertising free magic show, vision and hearing screening for [&hellip