Vision Screening


Test any child at any age in less than a second

S12R Portable Vision Screener

For a limited time Only with free HOTV upgrade

No Monthly Fees


Billable Codes For Your Practice

Vision Screener CPT Codes
99177 – Instrument-based ocular screening, bilateral, with on-site analysis.
99173 -Visual acuity screening.

The Only Portable Photo Vision Screener on the market that can do both Test.

Full Demo Video

The only portable photo vision screener that can do True Visual Acuity.

The all new Plusoptix offers so many features, it makes this a no-brainer for any pediatric office.
  1. .5 second photo vision screening at any age.
  2. Plus HOTV critical line assessment giving true visual acuity.
  3. (No more backup in the hall in from of the eye chart)
  4. Prints directly to your computer via the free software package. (SR12 Only)
  5. Rechargeable with readily available easy to replace batteries.
  6. All inclusive warranty, covers repairs even if it’s your fault.
  7. Free upgrades.
  8. Super Easy to use.

Vision screening is critical to the welfare of our children

Yet, many pediatricians do not start vision and hearing screening till age 5 & 6.

How about you?

Do you have an early screening program?

PlusoptiX Vision Screeners are supported by an impressive list of testimonials and published validation studies. It is designed to screen for refractive error, anisocoria and strabismus in children starting at age 6 months. Because it’s so easy to use it’s used by pediatricians, school nurses and Lions clubs alike. Vision Screening can be performed on any child because the only compliance needed is a short fixation of the camera.

Sample Report

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The Facts

Vision disorders are among the MOST prevalent disabling childhood conditions. 


Visual impairment affects 5-10% of preschool aged children


80% of what a child learns is visually acquired.


Vision problems can lead to loss of sight, learning difficulties & delayed development.


Undetected vision problems affect physical ability and self-esteem.


Less than 21% of preschool-aged children have their vision screened.

Adding HOTV critical line testing to your vision screening procedure:

For children from the age of 5 years,instrument-based vision screening in combination with HOTV critical line testing can help improve findings by increasing sensitivity and thus reducing false-negative results.Children who pass instrument-based vision screening are to perform an HOTV critical line test to meet the requirements of typical state guidelines.The “critical line” is the age dependent line a child is expected to see normally and pass. Incorporating this concept into screening procedures offers a quick and reliable assessment of visual acuity in young children.

Features at a glance

Proven accuracy

Both eyes are screened simultaneously

A “pass” or “refer” screening result is displayed automatically Screening takes 0.8 Seconds

Full range documentation options

results are displayed on screen immediately.

Print to  pc or infra-red printer label printer

Refraction, pupil sizes and corneal reflexes are measured and compared to age based referral criteria automatically.

Referral criteria are:
Anisometropia – compares refraction of both eyes
Astigmatism – checks corneal irregularities
Hyperopia – checks farsightedness
Myopia – checks nearsightedness
Corneal reflexes – checks symmetric eye alignment
Anisocoria – compares pupil sizes of both eyes

If readings are within limits, a “pass” screening result is displayed. If one or more of the readings are outside of limits, a “refer” screening result is displayed. Screening results are displayed on screen immediately after a measurement is completed.

Screening documentation

Vision Screener plusoptiX S12c saves patient data and screening results in the internal database automatically. This database enables you to review all previous measurements of one child in a chronological order.
You are able to connect the device to your computer network and import patient data and export screening results directly into your EMR

The Competition

Plusoptix: lowest price here: $5,339

Spot: lowest found price $6,975

Plusoptix: warranty covers all damages even user neglect

When your unit does need service:

Plusoptix: average service time 1 week

Spot: up to 6 weeks.

User selectable screening thresholds that allow the physician to tailor the device based upon office needs

Plusoptix: 5

Spot: 0

Reimbursement Information

    • CPT Code: 99177 – Instrument-based ocular screening, bilateral, with on-site analysis
    • CPT code 99173  Visual acuity screening
  • ICD-10 Codes
    • Z00.121 – Routine child health exam with abnormal findings
    • Z00.122 – Routine child health exam without abnormal findings.
  • Reimbursement varies from $10.00 – $30.00

In cases where insurance does not reimburse, most parents are comfortable paying and additional charge for this important service.

plusoptiX S16 – Stationary Vision Screener

On Sale And Ready to Ship Now

Regularly $6,535, Get it now for just $5,535

Plus free HOTV upgrade 


Designed for stationary use in one exam room.

  • Connected to electricityIt is always operational and can’t be misplaced or “disappear” easily.
  • Internal patient database
    For up to 100,000 data records with the possibility to upload rosters.
  • CSV interface for full integration to your EMR system
    For automated patient data import, -export and measurement report printing.
  • DVI monitor interface
    Can be connected to a monitor for a convincing presentation to the patient.
  • Documentation options
    Measurement results can be documented electronically or on paper.
  • Free software updates and Plusoptix hassle-free warranty
    Covers even dropping the device; Europe and US only.


Being the lightest weight unit (26.5 oz (0.75 kg) it is easy to handle with just one hand.


The only unit with external monitor interface offers a lot of possibilities for pediatric and family practice offices.



Depisteo VT1

Depisteo VT1 simplifies vision screening

Why choose Depisteo VT1 vision screener?
Depisteo VT1User friendly software and remote control
Adapted to the size of the patient
Adapted to wearers of progressive lenses
Choice of luminosity controlled by 16 white LEDs, for more precise results and to avoid premature ageing of the band
Automated, no intermediate button
Save the patients test results on a database/ print out the results
Computerized or remote-controlled solutions designed for your needs.
Lightweight and easy to transport, the Depisteo VT1 contains a large range of tests. With only 10 pounds and a convenient transportation handle, benefit your unit everywhere.
Screening session estimated from 2 to 4 minutes per patient. (depending of the configuration of the unit)
Enjoy our user friendly PC Control unit to create in a simple click a sequence according to the job category you want!